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Cafe Parisian ATC Album & Matchbook Box


Hello G45ers!

The best things in life are sweet and tied up with ribbon. Today on the Graphic 45 blog, we have another edition of our #G45LeveledUp series. This series features an Album or Card Kit tutorial done up by one of our G45 Brand Ambassadors and then taken to the next level. Below you will find a deliciously sweet Cafe Parisian ATC Album & Matchbook Box by Kristine Woods. Watch the video tutorial to see how quickly this album comes together and take note of Kristine’s addons, such as the glitter washi tape, extra tags, and so much more!


#G45LeveledUp Cafe Parisian ATC Album & Matchbook Box

By Kristine Woods 


“Hi crafty friends. It’s Kristine and I’m excited to share my newest Leveled Up project with you. Today we will be using the fabulous Cafe Parisian Deluxe Collector’s Edition to decorate a sweet little ATC album and matching box.


We will be using the Club G45 2019 Volume 6 tutorial by Robin Shakoor, which is available on the Graphic 45 website. Since this is a Leveled Up project, we will change things up a bit with the different paper collection and adding some glittery Graphic 45 Washi tape. I recommend printing the original tutorial out so you can make notes on it with the changes. I will follow the tutorial as closely as possible for paper dimensions so you should refer to it and the cutting guide below.


Graphic 45 Supply List

Cafe Parisian Deluxe Collector’s Edition 12×12 size

Cafe Parisian Chipboard

ATC Tag & Pocket Album – Ivory

Metal ATC size tag die (from Tag and Flower set)

ATC Matchbook Box – Ivory (discontinued)

4 additional ivory ATC tags

Washi Tape – Silver & White

Precious Pink Trim


Other Supplies

Blue and white twine

Wet adhesive

Paper trimmer


Scoring tool

Corner rounder




There’s a full video tutorial decorating the album on the Graphic 45 YouTube channel. You can follow along as you assemble your own project. Below, you will find a cutting guide and some photos to help you prepare for the tutorial.


TIP: cut all of your papers first and then assemble the entire album at one time.


-Video Tutorial-

ATC Album & Matchbook Box – Cafe Parisian – by Kristine Woods


-Cutting Guide for ATC Album-


Step 1: Inside and Outside Covers

  • Inside covers

    • Two pieces of the b-side of Parasol Bouquet cut to 3 ¾” x 4 ¾”

    • Two pieces of Parasol Bouquet cut to 2” x 4 ½”, with “v” shape cut from the bottom

  • Outside covers

    • Two pieces of the b-side of Petit Fours cut to 4” x 4 ⅞”

  • Front cover

    • One piece of Petit Fours cut to 3 ¾” x 4 ½”, round corners

    • Two pieces of pink trim cut to 12” each

    • One piece of blue/white twine cut to 10”

    • One border strip from Creme de la Creme cut to 3 ¾”

    • One pastry image cut from Creme de la Creme

  • Spine

    • One piece from the b-side of Petit Fours cut to 2” x 4 ⅞”



Step 2: Signature Page Covers – Pages 1, 7, 13, and 19

  • Four pieces of Upper Crust cut to 3 ¼” x 4 ¼”


Step 3: Page Mats – Pages 2, 8, 14, and 20

  • Four pieces from the b-side of Cherry on Top cut to 3 ¼” x 4 ¼”


Step 4: Page Mats – Pages 6, 12, 18, and 24

  • Four pieces from Bon Appetit cut to 3 ¼” x 4 ¼”



Step 5: Pocket Covers

  • Eight pieces of Crepe Suzette cut to 3 ⅜” x 1 ⅜”

  • Horizontal strips of white Washi tape

  • Eight individual images cut from Postage Patisserie



Step 6: Tri-Fold Cards

  • Four pieces of Confectionary cut to 2 ¾” x 12”, scored at 4” and 8” on the 12” side, and folded inward on the score lines

  • Cut one strip from Postage Patisserie, then trim down to four pieces measuring 2 ¾” in length

  • Four pieces of blue/white twine cut to 18” each


Step 7: Top Fold Cards – Pages 5, 11, 17, and 23

  • Four vertical strips from Floral Souffle cut to 3 ¼” x 8 ½”, scored at 4 ¼” on the 8 ½” side

  • Four sections of the border strip from Creme de la Creme cut to 4 ¼”



Step 8: Photo Cards

  • Four pieces from the b-side of Cherry on Top cut to 5” x 3 ½”, scored at 2 ½” on the 5” side, round 4 outer corners


Step 9: Tags (front of pocket page)

  • Use the Graphic 45 metal ATC tag die to cut four tags from Parasol Bouquet

  • Four individual images cut from Postage Patisserie

  • Four pieces of pink trim cut to 3” each

  • Four pieces of blue/white twine cut to 6” each


Step 10: Tags (back of pocket page)

  • Use 4 more ivory ATC tags

  • Use the Graphic 45 metal ATC tag die to cut four tags from Upper Crust

  • Four pieces of of pink trim cut to 3” each

  • Four pieces of blue/white twine cut to 6” each


Step 11: Side Pocket Mats

  • We will be using the postcards (Step 10 of original tutorial) for the side pocket mats

  • Cut four postcards from Life is Sweet

  • Four Washi tape strips cut to 1” for tabs


Step 12: Chipboard

  • Four pieces of blue/white twine cut to 6” each, added to four small chipboard pieces



-Cutting Guide for Matchbook Box-


Step 1: Inside

  • One piece of Upper Crust cut to 4 ¼” x 5 ¼”

  • Two pieces of Bon Appetit cut to 5 ⅛” x 2”

  • Two pieces of Bon Appetit cut to 4 ⅛” x 2”


Step 2: Outside

  • Two pieces from the b-side of Confectionary cut to 4 ⅜” x 2 ¼”

  • Two pieces of Confectionary cut to 4 ½” x 5 ⅜”

    • Place one piece inside the box and trace the window opening onto the paper (should be ⅞” all around the window), cut out the center section for the window

  • Two pieces of Petit Fours cut to 2 ⅜” x 5 ⅜”

  • One stamp image from Postage Patisserie

  • One chipboard piece

  • Pink/white trim cut to 30”



We love to see the projects you create. Don’t forget to share your Leveled Up project with us on social media. Add #G45LeveledUp to your project, and tag Graphic 45 if you post on Facebook or Instagram.


Happy crafting!”



-Original Video Tutorials-

[Tutorial] Interactive ATC Tag & Pocket Mini Album 


[Tutorial] Decorative Matchbook Box 



Happy Papercrafting!

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