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#Craftroom Tour with Nichola Battilana


Hello, G45ers!

 We have a treat in store for you!  Today we unveil the #CraftRoom of the Creator of Whimsy and Charm, Nichola Battilana.  Nichola's craft studio is full of beautiful projects, great tips, and inspiration.  So if you are looking for some Spring Cleaning organization tips, you have come to the right place.  Grab a cup of tea and let's dive into this crafty wonderland.  

Craft Studio Tour

By Nichola Battilana


“When people come to visit my studio, I show off the space that holds my finished pieces and where I do all of my computer work. I dare not show off my workspace… aka the #craftroom.


My #craftroom isn't pretty. It’s usually an absolute disaster! (I did a serious clean before these photos BTW) But it’s my disaster and within that chaos, there is some form of organization going on.



While I oogle over the pristine, perfectly organized, beautiful studio spaces I see on Pinterest, I know they wouldn't work for me. I'm not maligning those gorgeous spaces, they absolutely work for a lot of people. However, my messy creative cocoon is exactly what I need.


So, when I was asked to share my #craftroom, I started to think about my space and why it works for me. Perhaps some of these creative chaos tips will work for someone else too.



Hidden behind this amazing quilt I have a whole bunch of bins. I like using bins because I can grab them when I need something, and toss stuff in them when I’m done.  Easy peasy!



I organize the bins in a way that makes sense to me, storing items I often use at the same time together.



These stamp pads are stored with embossing powders, next to rubber stamps. I often use those items together, so it make sense to keep them together.



My main work surface is a kitchen table. It’s big and I’m fortunate to have enough space for it. On top, I keep things I use most often. All of the tools, brushes, tape, glue, and paint I use regularly are within arms reach. I have a bazillion paint colours, but only a dozen or so are by my side. Same goes for glue. I might have a glue for every purpose, but only those three I use all the time are ready to go the moment inspiration strikes.



This goes for paper too. I have a vintage record holder that I use to store papers that I’m using or will be using soon.



One thing that really keeps me organized is storing papers in the celophane bags they arrive in. I unseal the bag from the bottom rather than ripping them open from the top. When I've finished a project, I can tuck any scraps and extra fussy cut bits inside, and reseal the bag.



My main paper storage is this vintage metal flatfile intended to keep blueprints and things like that.



It’s big enough for two rows of 3 12” pads. It’s large enough to store about 150 12” pads in all.



While I keep most of my papers sorted by collection if I only have a few papers I will organize by theme instead. For example, all Christmas or Halloween papers are kept together.



A little bonus tip: when I have a project in mind but don’t have time to get to it right away, I will gather and store the supplies I need for it in a cardboard box (or large ziplock bag) with a note/sketch. I’ve found this really, really useful when I have a sudden urge to make. Coming across an old brilliant idea with the supplies ready to go? YES PLEASE!



Besides organization, I think there are two other factors that are really important in a creative space.

Is it comfortable? Having a comfy couch is nice, but it’s more than that. Does your bum or back hurt at the end of the day? Do you have enough light so that you aren’t straining your eyes? Does it smell nice? These are things that can make a big difference in how productive you are.



Finally… are you inspired? While others might be inspired by the serenity of a white space, I love being surrounded by things made by others, things that are quirky and cool, doodads made with passion and talent.



I love being surrounded by things that make me think, feel and laugh in my crafting cocoon.


So, no, my #craftroom isn't pretty. It definitely wouldn’t work for everyone. But, I'm 100% ok with that.” ~Nichola


Oh my goodness!  The ideas, tips, and magic have creative ideas dancing in our heads.  We want to extend our love and gratitude to Nichola for opening the doors to her #craftroom.  We hope you have been inspired to get into your creative space and have some fun!  


Happy Papercrafting!

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