
A Tour of Tati Scrap’s French Style Art Studio


Hello G45ers!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your craft supplies? Do you dream of a beautifully organized space where creativity flows effortlessly? Join us today as we dive into the enchanting world of craft organization with a special tour of Tati Scrap‘s stunning art studio!

Tati Scrap, one of our cherished designers, has graciously opened the doors to her inspiring craft room. From vintage showcases filled with meticulously arranged supplies to a cozy desk space shared with her husband, Tati’s studio is a treasure trove of creativity and organization.

In this Craft Studio Tour, you’ll discover practical tips and charming ideas for organizing your own craft supplies. Tati’s unique storage solutions, like vintage bins and baskets, make it easy to keep everything in its place while adding a touch of elegance to your space. Plus, you’ll get a glimpse of her favorite showcase, where she proudly displays her beautiful projects – a true testament to her love for papercrafting.

So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and get ready to be inspired by Tati Scrap’s delightful craft studio. You’ll leave with a heart full of ideas and a renewed passion for organizing your creative haven.



Craft Studio 

Tour by Tati Scrap

“Hello everyone!


Today I would like to share my craft room with you.

I have a desk where I do my projects and I share it with my husband where he has his computer.

I love telling him about the ideas that come to me…and it´s great because he is right in front of me.


Ím keeping all my craft goodies in two old vintage showcases bought in France, arranged in small bins and baskets.


And in another showcase, which is my favorite, I have all my projects….those are a treasure!! 


Love my craft space!

Thank you for joining me today!”

 Tati Scrap











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Happy Papercrafting!


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