
Create a Charming Keychain Mini Album


Hello G45ers!

Ready to embark on a delightful #G45LeveledUp crafting journey? Join Cecilia Zertuche, our talented Brand Ambassador, in creating an enchanting Keychain Mini Album using the breathtaking The Beach is Calling paper collection. In this exclusive video tutorial, Cecilia showcases how to transform the intricate designs of the Stair-Step card set into charming mini album pages, perfect for capturing precious memories. This project, brimming with creativity and delicate details, makes a heartfelt gift for a loved one or a delightful keepsake for yourself. Gather your supplies and dive into this whimsical crafting adventure, and don’t forget to share your creations with us by tagging @Graphic45 on Instagram. Happy crafting!


Keychain Mini Album 

Tutorial by Cecilia Zertuche


“Hello G45ers! This is Cecilia with my last project for our beloved Graphic 45 as Brand Ambassador 2023-2024 term. This time I had to try to level-up a project from the Graphic 45’s kits and inspired by the gorgeous Stair-Step card set designed by Carla La Vera I made a Keychain mini album with the stunning The Beach is Calling using the card design as my tiny pages. I think this tiny mini album is awesome as a gift for somebody special or for yourself to always get your special pictures. To embellish this lovely mini I used the package of the Ephemera Assortments which I transform them into tiny chippies adding Kraft chipboard on the back and then fussy cutting all of these beauties, so much fun and so much tenderness!

I want to thank Graphic 45 for this amazingly creative year and to all of you I appreciate your support so much.” ~Cecilia


-Video Tutorial-

Keychain Mini Album Tutorial by Cecilia Zertuche


Graphic 45 products on this project:


Other products:
  • 3 A4 size ivory cardstock
  • 12 flat strong magnets
  • About 12” cotton tream for the closure
  • 2 mini brads
  • 1 Gold eyelet
  • Some chain
  • Pieces of cheesecloth
  • Fabric for the spine (also can use paper)
  • Two wooden beads for the spine
  • Scrapbook tools






















Happy Papercrafting!


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