
Create a Magical Mixed Media Canvas


Hello G45ers!

Tanya Scrap is here and thrilled to share her latest creation with you on this beautiful summer day. Today, we are diving into a mixed media canvas project featuring the breathtaking Graphic 45 Life is Abundant paper collection. This project combines various techniques and supplies to create a stunning piece of art. Be sure to check out the #G45Reel videos for a detailed walkthrough and a tutorial, where I’ll guide you through each step. Let’s unleash our creativity and make something truly special!



Life is Abundant Mixed Media Canvas

Tutorial by Tanya Scrap

“Hello dear G45ers!

I am happy to share my project this month, a mixed media Canvas featuring 

the STUNNING Graphic 45 Life is Abundant collection.


Herewith the supplies and step-by-step instructions you may use to recreate such a project:


G45 Supplies used:

Life is Abundant Collection


Other Supplies used:

Round Canvas

White Gesso

Impasto Paint

Liquid Acrylic Paint

Crackle Texture Paste




-Video Walkthrough-


-Video Tutorial-




  1. Prep the canvas with white gesso.


  1. Paint the top half of the canvas with impasto paint.


  1. Add some texture with a stencil and texture paste to the bottom

half of the canvas. Leave to dry. 


  1. Add some colour to the textured area with liquid acrylic paint. Once dry, randomly

dab white paint in some areas and the sides of the canvas.


  1. Cut a circle shape from the pattern paper, cut in half. Create a pretty edge with a punch. 

Adhere in the center of the canvas.


  1. Adorn the rest of the canvas with fussy cut elements and ephemera.


Thanks for stopping by!”










Happy Papercrafting!


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