
Leveled Up Quad-Fold Folio


Hello G45ers!

We are thrilled to welcome you back to the Graphic 45 Blog! Today, we’re diving into a delightful #G45LeveledUp project featuring the stunning Mon Amour Quad Folio. If you’re a fan of DIY crafting, you won’t want to miss this! Special Announcement: The Mon Amour – Collector’s Edition is now 50% off in our clearance shop! It’s the perfect time to grab this exquisite collection and follow along with our tutorial. We’re excited to showcase a beautiful Quad Folio designed by our talented Brand Ambassador, Karan Gerber. In this video tutorial, Karan takes the Mon Amour Quad Folio Album Kit and elevates it with her unique touch, adding intricate details and clever enhancements.





Mon Amour Quad Folio

Tutorial by Karan Gerber


“Hello G45ers and welcome back to the Graphic 45 Blog today as I share a #G45LeveledUp Project with you. I chose the Mon Amour Quad Folio Album Kit 22 V12.



 I did not anticipate the album going on sale when I chose the project for my final project as Brand Ambassador for Graphic 45. 


Yes, I have decided to not reapply for a second term. I have enjoyed sharing my projects with you this past year so  here is my final share. 


You can find the original video tutorial and printable project sheet below.


-Original Video Tutorial-

Quad-Folio Album Tutorial – Mon Amour – Album Kit Vol 12 – 2022



To level the project up I began by building the base of the folio, changing out a few papers for the front and back of the Quad Folio. I also added a wrap around tie for the closure. I followed the instructions up to step #4 ( changing a few papers around) 



You know how much I love a detailed cover, so I added a chipboard clock and made a shaker for the cover and added the Precious Pink florals on the cover as well. 



On the inside is where the Level Up happens. I love adding waterfalls and pockets to my albums, so I did just that on this folio. 



On the inside front cover and inside the right cover, I created a Photo waterfall to add lots of photos. Tucking in some added journal cards which can be used as photo mats later on. 



And on the two center panels, I created a pocket to make it easy to add more photo mat pull outs. The front of each middle panel there is a belly hand to tuck in more photo mats or journal cards. 



Be sure to check out my video on the changes I created to Level up the Folio. 


-Leveled Up Video-


I want to thank Graphic 45 for allowing me to share projects this past year. I hope I have inspired your creativity!” ~Karan


Materials Used:

Mon Amour Album Kit

Precious Pink Flowers







Happy Papercrafting!


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