Hello, G45ers!
Join us as we begin our farewells to our 2016-2018 Brand Ambassadors. To kick off this talent fest we have a doubleheader by USA Brand Ambassador, Sandy Trefger. Sandy shares two fun-filled Floral Shoppe Stuffed Policy Envelopes including a video tutorial and so many useful papercrafting tips. Following these gorgeous gifts, we have a bonus: Craft Studio Tour by Sandy. So let's jump right into this heartfelt post.
Floral Shoppe Stuffed Policy Envelope
"For my last project as a Graphic 45 Brand Ambassador, I was inspired to create a Stuffed Envelope. I’ve seen many of these on Pinterest and YouTube but had yet to make one. There was something about the beautiful Graphic 45 Floral Shoppe collection that said to me it would be beautiful for such a project. And then I thought about the envelopes I might use and came up with the idea of using the large Graphic 45 Policy Envelopes which would make my stuffed envelopes very, very sturdy!
Yes, I made two. One for myself to work out all the details and then another for a gift so I could make the following tutorial video. Now you can make one too!
Graphic 45 Stuffed Policy Envelope Tutorial Video
These are so fun to create and I can’t believe I’ve waited to take a turn at making a Stuffed Envelope.
Graphic 45 Supplies:
- Large Policy Envelopes
- Floral Shoppe 12×12 Paper Collection
- Floral Shoppe Chipboard
- Floral Shoppe Tags & Pockets
- Floral Shoppe Journaling & Ephemera Cards
- Metal Large Tag & Flowers Die Set
- Large Tags (black)
- Regular Tags (black
Other Supplies:
- 49 & Market Flowers
- Hug Snug Seam Binding Ribbon – Moss Green & Vivid Pink
- Prima Mini Gold Prills
- White Lace
- 4” Doilies
- Large Office Paper Clip
- Corner Rounder
- 1” Circle Punch
- Tag Topper Punch
- Art Glitter Designer Glue
I designed my Stuffed Envelope to also stand up.
And I added a pocket with tags to the back.
Here’s a close up of the back pocket. I loved using the new Graphic 45 Large Tag & Flowers Die Set with the beautiful floral pieces to create my own flowers and greenery.
Tip 1: Don’t be afraid to use the Graphic 45 patterned paper to die cut out the floral pieces to create your flowers. The colors are beautiful and the patterns fit in perfectly on your project and of course, matches all the other patterns and elements you are using.
Tip 2: Layer up your chipboard pieces to add dimension to your project.
Tip 3: When arranging and gluing flowers/bows on to your project, push them up against and under each other rather than just gluing them down flat.
Tip 4: Make your own straw of patterned paper from the collection to create a fun embellishment. It’s easy and I show you how in the tutorial video linked above.
Before we say goodbye, we have a special bonus:
Craft Studio Tour by Sandy to share.
Craft Studio Tour – Featuring Sandy Trefger
It’s my turn to share my craft studio or as I call it “craft room” tour. Welcome and come inside! My room is not very big. I think it measures 12 ft x 12 ft and it used to be our daughter’s bedroom What I love is the offset area you can see in the far back where I have my computer and small tv with shelves above it. I like that it’s by the window and I can look outside if I want. This room is on the second floor of our home so I get a good view of our front yard and the street. It may be that my room looks cluttered but to me it’s perfect. I know where everything is and I love to incorporate the use of found furniture or storage solutions as well as furniture I already had and my grandmother’s sewing machine cabinet into the room. My work table is not very big. It measures 3 ft x 3 ft and is in the center of my room. However, by having counters and other storage places surrounding me, that table gives me plenty of space to work on my projects. It is clean in this photo but it doesn’t stay that way for very long.
You can see a lot more of my room in my video tour on YouTube:
Sandy Trefger Craft Studio Tour Video
In the video, I share several different storage tips but one of my favorites is this one using a fishing spool (string) box that I bought at the sporting goods store. It holds several rolls of my Hug Snug Seam Binding Ribbon and I have three of these cases. You can choose to thread the ribbon out through the holes (you do have to remove the little black rubber inserts) but I just opt to take a whole roll out and put it back when I’m done with a project.
Tip: Clear storage containers like this make it so much easier to see and use the products that you have. I can look at my ribbons and see what colors I have that might work on a project without opening the case. I love that. I have other clear storage options in my room but if it’s not clear I will occasionally label the drawers so I know what is inside at a glance.
I love to display my favorite finished projects in my room and utilize my Mother’s hope chest. Okay, so I do have a lot of favorite projects. But I do move them around, store some in the hope chest like Christmas and Halloween projects and I do give some away as gifts when an occasion arrives. I’ve thought about selling projects but really don’t know which I would want to part with!
I’m sure you’d like to know where I store all my Graphic 45 supplies and this is it! I like to store the pads with the spines facing out so I can see at a glance for the most part which ones are which. I keep staples and ephemera card sets in baskets. My tags are also stored in a basket. This makes it easy for me to pull them out when I’m looking for something in particular. The chipboard sets and tags, pockets sets are stacked on the shelf. I have another shelf where I keep my Graphic 45 albums and boxes. For the new collections that now come in a bag, I store those in a large basket on the floor by the hope chest.
I hope you enjoy my video of my craft room tour. If you have any questions about something you see in the video, please feel free to leave a comment on the video or here and I will try to check back and answer.
And now to say goodbye. This is my last project tutorial as a Graphic 45 Brand Ambassador. I have so enjoyed the past two years creating for Graphic 45 and sharing my projects with all of you. I want to thank you for your wonderful comments and I want to thank all of the Graphic 45 family for their generosity with their products and for the inspiration they provide to all of us with their wonderful products and designs. And I want to thank them for selecting me and giving me the honor of being on this team for two years. I also want to thank the other Brand Ambassadors as well as the Grand Ambassadors and Special Project Designers for being so encouraging and for being my friend. I will miss working with all of you but know that I will still be inspired by you and see all of your fabulous creations. Again, thank you to all of YOU who read the blog posts, became excited about the new products and our projects.. I’ll still be around, creating and sharing my projects on my blog, YouTube, Snapguide and other places on the internet. Thank you again and good-bye and Happy Crafting! ~Sandy Trefger
Weekly Blog Contest
Just leave a comment here on the blog, Instagram, and/or Facebook to be entered to win! This week’s prize package includes Off to the Races 12×12 Paper Pad, 12×12 Patterns & Solids Paper Pad, Chipboard, Die-Cut Banners, and three embellishments from our Staples collection, a $73+ value. The Winner will be announced on the blog Friday, May 25th.
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
We are honored to have had the pleasure of working with Sandy for the last two years. We hope you enjoyed each of her detailed and gorgeous projects. Sending our hugs of gratitude to you, Sandy. Be sure to leave some love in the comment below, and join us again tomorrow for Pam Bray's farewell post.
Happy Papercrafting!